Electrics: Sensors and actuators


As vehicles have evolved over the years, creating a demand for better measurement and control of various systems, the number of sensors and actuators significantly increased, reaching the hundreds nowadays.  

The participants are taught to test all sensors and actuators in the vehicle using a variety of measurement devices. Participants are familiarised with their physical operating principles and the processes that take place in the vehicle when the sensors and actuators are not working properly.  

Seminar goals:  

  • The participants are capable of making the right diagnostics regardless of the diagnostic device.  
  • The participants can quickly and easily inspect the sensors and actuators and safely reach a conclusion on their functioning.  


  • Operating principles of various sensors  
  • Physical variables of sensors  
  • Operating principles of various actuators  
  • Physical operating principles of various actuators  
  • Testing sensors outside of the vehicle  
  • Testing actuators outside of the vehicle  
  • Testing sensors in the vehicle  
  • Testing actuators in the vehicle  
  • Measurements using a multimeter  
  • Measurements using an oscilloscope  
  • Interpretation and evaluation of measured signals  
  • Generating signals  
  • Testing of actuators  
  • Adaptation of actuators  
  • Various symptoms of malfunctioning sensors or actuators  

Seminar duration: 2 days Maksimalan broj polaznika: 15 Available dates: Price: 1.200 HRK + VAT = 1.500 HRK * The dates of the seminars are subject to change in case of extraordinary circumstances. We will inform all registered participants about any changes in the schedule in a timely manner.